About FHA
Field Hockey Alberta is the Provincial Sports Organization (PSO) responsible for supporting field hockey in the province. FHA has been in operation since 1974. In partnership with the National Sports Organization (NSO), Field Hockey Canada (FHC), Field Hockey Alberta provides opportunities for Albertans to experience the challenges and rewards of the exciting sport of field hockey. Whether you are a player, official, coach, administrator, volunteer or spectator, FHA is committed to operating with integrity, openness and respect to ensure that our tradition of field hockey excellence is preserved in Alberta and that our sport is open to people of all ages, skill levels and abilities.
FHA Membership Services
Coaching & Officiating:
- Coaching Education Courses and Certification Opportunties
- Officials Courses and Certification Opportunities
- Coach and Official Resources (online, available from the FHA office, etc)
- In Service Coach & Athlete Workshops
Athlete Development:
- High Performance Athlete Development Program
- Provincial Athlete Development Program
- Local academies for HP Athletes
National Schools Program:
- Nationals Schools Program (NSP) administrator for Alberta (encourage schools to include field hockey)
- NSP School Festivals
- NSP Feeder system into local leagues (Edmonton Junior Program & Calgary Junior Program)
Domestic Tournaments:
- Regional High Performance Tournaments
- National Championship Hosting
- International Hosting Opportunities
- High Performance Invitational Tournaments
Funding and Promotion:
- The administration and management of Funding Applications for athlete, official and coach support
- Promotion of field hockey through marketing and advertising

Club Partnerships:
- Assisting Club Development
- Supporting Club Infrastructure
Field Hockey Alberta Governance:
Field Hockey Alberta employs four full-time employees who oversee and manage the administrative responsibilities of the annual program. The Association is governed by a Board of Directors and all employees are responsible to this Board.
Field Hockey Alberta Employees:
- Executive Director - Responsible for the strategic direction and day to day management of the Association
- HP Coach - Responsible for the creation and sustainabilty of High Performance programming and Coach Education
- Edmonton Junior Program Administrator - Responsible for the administration and management for all Edmonton Junior Programs.
- Calgary Junior Program Administrator - Responsible for the administration and management for all Calgary Junior Programs.
Field Hockey Alberta Board of Directors:
- President
- Vice-President of Finance
- Vice-President of Administration
- Vice-President of Coaching
- Vice-President of Umpiring
- Vice-President of Regional Development
- Vice-President of High Performance Women
- Vice-President of High Performance Men
- Director @ Large - 2 positions
- Regional Directors - 3 positions (representing Alberta leagues, CLFHA, FHAC & EFHA)
The Voice of Field Hockey Alberta - The Membership
FHA holds its Annual General Meeting in September each year. This meeting is the memberships’ opportunity to help develop our strategic plan and ensure that the Association is moving the sport forward in a beneficial and progressive fashion for all.