We are excited you are willing to host an event for field hockey in Alberta.
FHA is committed to providing an environment that promotes standard and fair competition; and as such, Hosts wishing to run Events must first seek approval and sanction from FHA. Irresponsible behavior, unfair
competition, or an unsafe environment can result in severe damage to the sport, to participants, to FHA, and to Hosts. This form provides sanctioning regulations that will help ensure that the event is safe, fair, and protects the health and welfare of the participants.
Requests for sanctions must be submitted by Hosts through this form which will be sent to the FHA Executive Director (who will liaise with the board), at least seven (7) days prior to the Event. For more information about our policy FHA Event hosting & Sanctioning Policy please click here: http://fieldhockey.ab.ca/content/policies-amp-procedures
Please fill out the following form: