Run a Try It Free event
Try It Free Field Hockey events are an excellent opportunity for associations to showcase the sport in their community and encourage athletes to give Field Hockey a try. Our goal is to build strong partnerships with local leagues and clubs to help promote the second most team played sport in the world across our province. Through successful Try It Free events, we can certainly achieve this goal!
Field Hockey Alberta offers a wealth of resources to member associations to help with running Come Try Field Hockey Free events:
Event Material Resources:
- Small Posters (8.5? x 11?)

- How to run the events manual
Event Items (available for events by booking):
- Equipment (sticks, balls, cones)
- Volunteer t-shirts
- Giveaway Items for Participants
Come Try Field Hockey Website:
- Provides a centralized location where all events in Alberta can be listed
- Allows participants to pre-register
- Allows host associations to have an idea of the # of participants attending their event
- Provides basic information on the game of field hockey as well as testimonials from participants and parents alike
Field Hockey Alberta Recruitment Team (available upon request):
- Made up of experienced field hockey players from Northern and Southern Alberta
- Trained to lead the on-field portion of Come Try Field Hockey events
- Designed to lessen the load on local volunteers and streamline the on-field program being offered
Our hope is for Field Hockey Alberta to forge strong partnerships with our local associations that result in additional growth in the sport of Field Hockey as well as strong Field Hockey programs across our province.
If you are interested in running an event in your area please contact Calgary office for more details:
Calgary Office:
Phone: (403) 670 0014